
2020 ncaa Team Stats

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Basic Stats Per Game
Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
Penn St stats Penn St 31 75.1 18.8 37.6 50.0% 8.0 24.7 32.5% 13.4 19.3 69.2% 11.2 27.5 38.8 14.3 7.5 4.8 11.2 17.5
Michigan stats Michigan 31 75.0 19.8 36.6 54.1% 8.0 23.5 33.9% 11.5 16.1 71.7% 8.6 27.5 36.1 14.6 5.5 4.5 10.7 15.2
UTSA stats UTSA 29 75.0 16.7 36.7 45.5% 9.4 27.4 34.4% 13.2 16.9 77.8% 10.7 27.0 37.7 11.6 5.8 2.1 12.6 20.4
Central Ark stats Central Ark 30 74.8 17.6 35.3 49.8% 7.5 24.2 31.2% 17.1 23.7 72.2% 10.8 27.3 38.1 14.6 5.3 5.0 17.9 20.6
Akron stats Akron 29 74.7 15.8 31.8 49.6% 9.2 25.3 36.2% 15.6 20.3 76.9% 9.5 27.5 37.0 12.7 4.9 2.9 12.6 17.9
Seton Hall stats Seton Hall 30 74.7 18.2 34.8 52.3% 7.9 23.7 33.5% 14.6 20.4 71.5% 10.3 26.8 37.1 14.6 7.0 5.8 13.2 18.6
CSUN stats CSUN 30 74.7 19.5 39.4 49.4% 7.5 20.2 37.3% 13.2 18.1 72.6% 8.8 24.0 32.7 13.7 5.3 3.0 11.5 17.4
Georgetown stats Georgetown 32 74.7 19.8 41.4 47.8% 6.4 18.6 34.6% 15.7 20.4 77.1% 11.7 26.3 38.0 15.0 6.3 4.1 13.5 16.1
N.C. State stats N.C. State 32 74.6 20.7 39.4 52.6% 6.9 21.8 31.8% 12.4 17.4 71.0% 10.5 25.3 35.7 13.5 7.6 4.5 11.9 18.2
St. John's stats St. John's 32 74.6 20.4 45.4 44.9% 6.6 20.7 32.1% 13.9 19.8 70.3% 12.5 26.0 38.5 14.7 10.0 4.0 11.2 18.8
N'western St stats N'western St 27 74.6 18.2 37.9 47.9% 7.8 22.1 35.2% 14.9 20.4 72.9% 11.3 27.1 38.4 12.4 5.7 4.1 16.1 19.9
Yale stats Yale 28 74.5 17.5 33.2 52.7% 8.9 24.1 36.9% 12.9 17.9 71.9% 8.6 29.4 38.0 14.8 6.2 3.3 13.0 15.0
FIU stats FIU 29 74.4 18.6 35.7 52.1% 8.6 25.2 34.1% 11.5 17.8 64.6% 11.1 24.1 35.2 13.7 8.1 6.1 14.8 17.2
Kentucky stats Kentucky 31 74.4 20.6 40.8 50.4% 5.1 14.8 34.3% 18.1 22.7 79.7% 9.7 27.0 36.6 13.4 5.2 4.9 12.5 18.4
LIU stats LIU 32 74.3 16.5 32.1 51.4% 9.1 26.7 34.2% 14.0 19.6 71.3% 7.7 26.0 33.7 13.5 6.6 3.3 14.1 17.3
ETSU stats ETSU 30 74.3 19.0 34.3 55.2% 7.4 21.8 33.8% 14.3 20.4 70.0% 10.7 23.7 34.4 13.3 7.5 3.3 12.2 18.0
Boise St stats Boise St 31 74.3 17.2 33.3 51.6% 8.1 24.2 33.6% 15.5 20.7 75.2% 8.8 25.5 34.3 12.6 5.6 1.5 12.6 17.5
Syracuse stats Syracuse 32 74.3 17.3 33.7 51.4% 8.1 24.6 32.9% 15.4 20.8 74.0% 10.5 25.3 35.8 14.0 7.4 4.5 11.3 16.4
St Mary's stats St Mary's 33 74.3 18.8 36.2 51.9% 7.8 20.2 38.8% 13.1 17.4 75.4% 7.8 24.3 32.1 11.4 6.6 1.9 10.0 16.8
San Diego St stats San Diego St 31 74.3 17.4 32.7 53.0% 9.1 23.9 37.9% 12.4 16.0 77.3% 9.0 25.7 34.8 14.5 6.7 2.7 10.7 16.8
Utah St stats Utah St 32 74.3 18.7 35.0 53.3% 7.1 21.6 32.9% 15.7 20.6 76.3% 10.3 29.1 39.4 15.7 5.8 3.0 12.5 16.0
Notre Dame stats Notre Dame 32 74.3 16.9 34.2 49.4% 9.7 28.1 34.5% 11.4 15.6 73.5% 10.1 27.7 37.8 16.5 5.9 3.7 9.8 12.4
Santa Clara stats Santa Clara 31 74.2 18.9 36.3 52.1% 7.1 20.4 34.9% 15.0 20.4 73.6% 7.0 26.3 33.3 14.8 6.7 3.3 13.6 20.3
UMass Lowell stats UMass Lowell 31 74.2 19.1 36.6 52.2% 6.8 20.3 33.7% 15.4 21.7 70.9% 9.5 24.2 33.7 14.1 6.8 2.4 13.5 17.0
San Francisco stats San Francisco 33 74.1 17.8 34.0 52.2% 8.7 25.9 33.5% 12.6 17.6 71.4% 10.3 25.5 35.8 11.8 7.0 3.2 12.1 17.8