Abbreviation: SDSU
Country: USA
Arena: Viejas Arena ( San Diego , CA )
Domestic League: NCAA D-I
Conference: Mountain West
W-L: 24-11
03/28/2024 52 - 82 at Connecticut Connecticut
03/24/2024 85 - 57 vs Yale Yale
03/22/2024 69 - 65 vs UAB UAB
03/16/2024 61 - 68 vs New Mexico New Mexico

2023-24 San Diego St Team Stats

Watch stats of another season of San Diego St

Per Game

Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
San Diego St stats San Diego St 35 73.7 18.6 36.1 51.5% 7.0 22.1 31.5% 15.6 21.4 73.0% 11.5 25.8 37.2 12.9 7.4 4.1 11.0 17.7
Rank in league (362 teams) 140 71 76 126 222 161 297 64 71 132 76 103 65 171 73 78 255 118

Pace Adjusted

Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
San Diego St stats San Diego St 35 75.6 19.1 37.1 51.5% 7.2 22.7 31.5% 16.0 21.9 73.0% 11.8 26.4 38.2 13.3 7.6 4.2 11.3 18.1
Rank in league (362 teams) 91 114 157 126 206 138 297 36 36 132 64 59 33 141 57 64 227 90


Team Info Complete Metrics Possession Info
Team GP EFF WS/G Pace Pos/G Pts/Pos FGA/Pos FTA/Pos Ast/Pos TO/Pos
San Diego St stats San Diego St 35 85.9 38.0 0.97 66.5 1.11 0.88 0.32 0.19 0.17
Rank in league (362 teams) 99 105 272 248 109 127 42 147 240


Team Info Shooting Ratios Passing Ratios Ratings
Team GP Pts/G FGA/G TS% eFG% FTA/FGA 3PA/FGA Ast/G Ast/FGA Ast/TO Off Def Net
San Diego St stats San Diego St 35 73.7 58.2 0.54 0.50 0.37 0.38 12.91 0.22 1.17 110.8 101.3 9.5
Rank in league (362 teams) 91 183 188 220 78 159 171 176 134 109 38 49