Abbreviation: ORST
Country: USA
Arena: Gill Coliseum ( Corvallis , OR )
Domestic League: NCAA D-I
Conference: WCC
W-L: 12-19
03/13/2024 57 - 67 at UCLA UCLA
03/09/2024 57 - 73 vs Colorado Colorado
03/07/2024 92 - 85 vs Utah Utah
02/28/2024 71 - 78 at Oregon Oregon

2022-23 Oregon St Team Stats

Watch stats of another season of Oregon St

Per Game

Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
Oregon St stats Oregon St 31 60.5 14.7 32.1 45.7% 6.0 18.9 31.9% 13.1 17.3 75.4% 8.0 22.8 30.8 9.7 5.3 2.9 13.4 17.7
Rank in league (363 teams) 357 339 302 333 316 292 294 157 210 51 315 300 335 355 287 200 89 127

Pace Adjusted

Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
Oregon St stats Oregon St 31 63.8 15.5 33.8 45.7% 6.4 19.9 31.9% 13.8 18.2 75.4% 8.4 24.0 32.4 10.2 5.6 3.1 14.1 18.7
Rank in league (363 teams) 348 340 273 333 284 257 294 104 154 51 288 233 286 350 266 170 42 60


Team Info Complete Metrics Possession Info
Team GP EFF WS/G Pace Pos/G Pts/Pos FGA/Pos FTA/Pos Ast/Pos TO/Pos
Oregon St stats Oregon St 31 61.2 20.9 0.95 63.2 0.96 0.81 0.27 0.15 0.21
Rank in league (363 teams) 349 355 334 342 346 333 143 349 39


Team Info Shooting Ratios Passing Ratios Ratings
Team GP Pts/G FGA/G TS% eFG% FTA/FGA 3PA/FGA Ast/G Ast/FGA Ast/TO Off Def Net
Oregon St stats Oregon St 31 60.5 51.0 0.51 0.46 0.34 0.37 9.68 0.19 0.72 95.7 106.0 -10.3
Rank in league (363 teams) 348 361 299 332 97 192 355 331 355 346 201 312