Abbreviation: ORST
Country: USA
Arena: Gill Coliseum ( Corvallis , OR )
Domestic League: NCAA D-I
Conference: WCC
W-L: 12-19
03/13/2024 57 - 67 at UCLA UCLA
03/09/2024 57 - 73 vs Colorado Colorado
03/07/2024 92 - 85 vs Utah Utah
02/28/2024 71 - 78 at Oregon Oregon

2015-16 Oregon St Team Stats

Watch stats of another season of Oregon St

Per Game

Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
Oregon St stats Oregon St 31 71.8 18.5 39.4 46.9% 6.8 18.3 37.4% 14.4 21.2 68.0% 10.3 23.6 33.9 13.4 7.3 3.2 11.2 20.2
Rank in league (351 teams) 187 161 128 248 194 253 48 193 164 252 178 276 245 156 46 185 297 113

Pace Adjusted

Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
Oregon St stats Oregon St 31 72.4 18.6 39.7 46.9% 6.9 18.4 37.4% 14.5 21.4 68.0% 10.3 23.8 34.2 13.5 7.3 3.3 11.3 20.4
Rank in league (351 teams) 181 130 84 248 186 252 48 192 163 252 170 252 226 144 36 182 292 95


Team Info Complete Metrics Possession Info
Team GP EFF WS/G Pace Pos/G Pts/Pos FGA/Pos FTA/Pos Ast/Pos TO/Pos
Oregon St stats Oregon St 31 79.3 31.7 0.99 67.3 1.07 0.86 0.31 0.20 0.17
Rank in league (351 teams) 169 172 201 234 150 109 149 135 282


Team Info Shooting Ratios Passing Ratios Ratings
Team GP Pts/G FGA/G TS% eFG% FTA/FGA 3PA/FGA Ast/G Ast/FGA Ast/TO Off Def Net
Oregon St stats Oregon St 31 71.8 57.6 0.53 0.50 0.37 0.32 13.39 0.23 1.19 106.7 105.0 1.7
Rank in league (351 teams) 181 177 186 178 176 258 156 151 93 150 153 148