Abbreviation: COLG
Country: USA
Arena: Cotterell Court ( Hamilton , NY )
Domestic League: NCAA D-I
Conference: Patriot League
W-L: 24-10
03/22/2024 67 - 92 at Baylor Baylor
03/13/2024 74 - 55 vs Lehigh Lehigh
03/10/2024 68 - 65 vs Bucknell Bucknell
03/07/2024 81 - 64 vs Holy Cross Holy Cross

2023-24 Colgate Team Stats

Watch stats of another season of Colgate

Per Game

Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
Colgate stats Colgate 34 70.1 18.5 34.6 53.4% 7.6 21.3 35.5% 10.5 15.4 68.1% 8.0 27.1 35.1 14.6 6.1 3.4 10.8 13.5
Rank in league (362 teams) 248 95 150 60 156 198 84 345 336 313 319 33 158 72 202 161 275 358

Pace Adjusted

Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
Colgate stats Colgate 34 72.3 19.1 35.7 53.4% 7.8 21.9 35.5% 10.8 15.9 68.1% 8.3 27.9 36.2 15.1 6.3 3.5 11.1 13.9
Rank in league (362 teams) 191 119 219 60 133 172 84 338 332 313 307 12 108 54 184 145 252 355


Team Info Complete Metrics Possession Info
Team GP EFF WS/G Pace Pos/G Pts/Pos FGA/Pos FTA/Pos Ast/Pos TO/Pos
Colgate stats Colgate 34 83.9 39.3 0.97 65.0 1.08 0.86 0.24 0.22 0.17
Rank in league (362 teams) 70 125 289 318 167 194 329 51 245


Team Info Shooting Ratios Passing Ratios Ratings
Team GP Pts/G FGA/G TS% eFG% FTA/FGA 3PA/FGA Ast/G Ast/FGA Ast/TO Off Def Net
Colgate stats Colgate 34 70.1 55.9 0.56 0.53 0.28 0.38 14.62 0.26 1.36 107.8 99.7 8.1
Rank in league (362 teams) 191 292 93 54 318 156 72 42 60 167 23 63